What We Have Been Up To

I haven’t posted in a few weeks.  I just haven’t made time for the computer lately.

So what have we been up to?

Here is a brief list of some of the things we have been up to.

Finished up with robotic’s team that our daughter was on.



Celebrated birthdays with family.




Went black light bowling with homeschool friends.

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Enjoyed great time and support at our homeschool group. Delighted in being showered with gift and prayer by dear friends and having a wonderful friend visit the group for the day to speak to the group and encourage our homeschooling.

Went on a long-over-due trip to visit grandparents and family in the neighboring state.  I have not went to visit them in about 10 years….It’s good that we were able to make it…even though the visit was too short.


Organizing and cleaning- finally cleaned the little bedroom and turned it into a library.  The kids LOVE IT!  A quiet room filled with books…who wouldn’t love it?



Teaching a boy to read, listening to another boy play beautiful music on his violin, watching my daughter spend hours at the computer writing.

Watching the newly turned one year old learn to walk and explore his world at another level.

Thrift shopping…okay so I have to admit I have been unusually interested in antique decorations lately….I found this interest after borrowing a book, Country Living The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen, from the library.  Now I want free or cheap old stuff.  🙂

Have been reading a lot of books on food health, power foods, detoxing, cookbooks, and raw food recipes.

Grew broccoli sprouts in a jar for the first time…tasty.

Our chickens started laying more eggs.  We haven’t gotten many in the last few days though.

Making plans for spring and summer garden, thinking about fence that needs to be put up, and some that needs fixing–a tree fell on some over the winter, also thinking about possible animals to add to the farm, ordered chicks to arrive the end of May and mid June.

That is all I can come up with right now and I’ve got to stop because baby is crying for his mama.  I know there is much not included on the list though.

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1 Comment

  1. A whole room just for books… bliss. 🙂 – Victoria


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